Residential Home Inspection Form

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Optional. Add due dates for receiving the report as well as purchase and sale closing.
Deadline to bring forward the issues to be addressed based on the home inspection report addendum.
Enter the closing date when ownership changes hands.
e.g. Indicate what days you may be available, or if you are waiting on financing approval and would like a date closer to your report due date.

Property Information

The address of the building / property to be inspected.

Contact Information

Your name, address, and contact information, as it will appear on the report and agreement. You may add additional phone numbers.
Add one or more phone numbers. Please use the (709) 555-1234 format.

Significant Other

Optional. The name and contact information of any person, such as a family member, that will receive the report and may discuss findings.
Add one or more phone numbers. Please use the (709) 555-1234 format.

Agent Contact Information

If applicable, enter the name of the person representing you.
Agent Name

Permission to Disclose

Do you give permission to disclose the inspection findings to your real estate agent?
My agent will receive inspection findings:
I would like my agent to receive a copy of the inspection report.
I do not wish my agent to receive a copy of the inspection report.